Homeshare International (HI) is an educational charity, registered in England and Wales, but with an international focus. In 2014 the charity started a research group, HIRAG, with the mandate to gather and disseminate information about homeshare around the world. This will be achieved by simple questionnaires, and the publication of Fact Sheets. The first Fact Sheet was done in the summer of 2015 on the topic of Homeshare Programme Business Models. See Fact Sheet 1. Now we want to update the information.
We invite all those who are running a homeshare programme to complete the following simple questions, so that we can find out more about the business models that are used to provide homeshare services around the world. If your programme runs more than one type of homeshare service, please provide details.
The survey should take about 10 minutes but, if you need to step away, you can scroll to the bottom and select the Save Draft option to save your entries and come back later to complete.
Please be assured that your responses will be kept confidential – individual programme information will be shared only as amalgamated with other responses. See Fact Sheet 1 (link above) as an example.
Thank you for your time and for your help. If you have questions or concerns, please contact our Chair.
We look forward to providing the 2024 version of Fact Sheet 1. Here is a sample of responses to date compared with 2015:

Please add your contributions below.
How to donate
Homeshare International is a charity and we depend on donations to continue our work. Please use the “Donate” button below to make a secure donation.
UK taxpayers can increase the value of their gift by 25% under the Gift Aid scheme – click here to download a form to complete and return.