HomeShare International


Welcome to our newest Trustee!


The HI Trustees are delighted to announce that Lucie Cunningham, Founder and CEO of THE HomeShare in Ireland, has joined the Board of Homeshare International. Lucie brings loads of experience, energy and an entrepreneurial spirit to Homeshare International, and we’re thrilled to have a fourth European country represented on the Board. Find out more about Lucie on our Who’s Who page.


2024 in Review

2024 was an exciting year for Homeshare International, but also included some significant changes. Here are 10 key moments from the year:

1. Homeshare International celebrated its 25thAnniversary in 2024. The charity was set up in 1999 by Nan Maitland, and her extraordinary contribution to homeshare was recognised in the Nan Maitland Memorial Lecture given by Elizabeth Mills at our Congress in September.

2. Our first Congress since 2019 was held in Trento, Italy, and hosted in partnership with Core member VIVO.CON. With speakers from across Europe, the UK, the US, Canada and Australia, the Congress provided wonderful opportunities to meet, learn from and be inspired by other homeshare providers.

3. 2024 saw changes to the structure of the Homeshare International Network (HIN), with homeshare programmes and national umbrella organisations becoming our Core Membership. Over the course of the year we welcomed new Core Members from the US, Canada, Portugal and the Netherlands.

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Homeshare Programmes Business Models

In 2015 HI did a survey on the topic of Homeshare Programme Business Models. Now we want to update the information and would appreciate your contributions. See Resources for more information and to include your programme.


Home Share Oregon leads the way…

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In just two short years since starting their work, Home Share Oregon has over 900 registered Home Providers. They are also working on legislative changes to make homesharing more affordable for the providers. House Bill 3032 has successfully made it out of the Committee of Housing and Homelessness and into the Joint Committee on Tax Expenditures. Other States are following this with interest. We hope it will be emulated far and wide!