HomeShare International


HI in Conversation – November 2022

Join HI in Conversation in November 2022 to learn about the National Health Service and Social Care in England, and how it is tackling housing & inequality through Homeshare.

The National Health Service (NHS) and Social Care systems in England are a complex set of arrangements covering a wide range of organisations. This complexity can make it difficult for new services to engage with the NHS, especially where the service works best covering a number of organisations.

At the same time, issues around housing in England are becoming more acute covering poor quality housing driven by a lack of housing supply and strong demand. With housing being a key determinant of health outcomes, the NHS, in its role as an Anchor Institution, is driving a programme targeting health inequalities, as well as trying to solve its staff housing issues.

The session will go through a basic overview of the NHS, its role looking at housing in the aspects of health outcomes and the role that Homeshare can take to support improved health outcomes, both in England and other global health systems.

This HI in Conversation session is open to everyone. It will be led by Ian Burden, Head of Transformation, NHS England – South West with Sibel Whitehead of Supportmatch Homeshare, followed by opportunity for questions and discussion.

1Toit2Äges on the Red Carpet

Congratulations to Claire and Régis de Kerautem and the whole 1Toit2Äges team on receiving the SilverEco and Ageing Well International Awards in Cannes, France in 2022.

Régis and Claire de Kerautem pose on the red carpet after accepting the 2022 Silver Eco award (International category) on behalf of 1Toit2Äges.

Join HI in Conversation Sept 2022

Join us for an hour starting at 12:00 UTC on 30 September, 2022 to learn about the study coordinated by Cohabilis in France on the economic potential of inter-generational solidarity homesharing.

This study was carried out by three university researchers and a consulting firm. The objectives were to identify the economic “impacts” of the solidarity plan and to lay the first foundations of a sustainable economic model for the accompanying organisations.

This work has shown that, by encouraging mutual aid between generations, substantial savings can be made by young people and substantial savings for the social security fund. Further, according to data that we will present to you, the presence of a young person with a senior housemate has a very probable preventive effect. Finally, the study identified the potential for developing the scheme in France.

This conversation is open to everyone. The study will be presented by Joachim Pasquet, Directeur of Cohabilis, with opportunity for questions and discussion.


What is Homeshare? How does it work? Who does it benefit?

Listen to Lucie Cunningham of THE Homeshare on CRY 104 FM



HANZA to advise NZ Office for Seniors on Homeshare pilot program!

Congratulations to HANZA which has been invited by the New Zealand Office for Seniors to assist in implementing a Homeshare pilot program to be offered in a number of locations across the country. The Homeshare pilot is part of the New Zealand Government’s strategy for ageing, Better Later Life—He Oranga Kaumātua 2019 to 2034.

HANZA will be providing advice and support in a number of areas, including research, evaluation, training and resource development, working with the chosen providers to assist in planning and implementing successful Homeshare programs, as well as providing ongoing support once the programs are up and running.

Dublin Homeshare Congress Cancelled

It is with much disappointment and great reluctance that Homeshare International and THE HomeShare announce the cancellation of the Dublin World Homeshare Congress which was to have been held in May 2023.
This difficult decision is due to the uncertainty of Covid-19, current inflation and the high costs of accommodation for visitors and delegates in Dublin.
Events like conferences have been impossible to run or even plan with any confidence for the last 3 years.
We felt optimistic back in early 2021 that we could think ahead and start planning for a super congress in gorgeous Dublin – in Dublin Castle no less!
But the global financial uncertainty that we see unfolding before us now – less than 12 months out from our advertised conference dates – confronts us with such uncertainty and financial risk that we simply have no choice but to make this hard decision.
So back to the drawing board to plan for something achievable ON-LINE in 2023.

Homeshare International would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank local Homeshare programme, THE HomeShare, for all their hard work over the last 12 months.
We also thank the Irish Government, in particular the Department of Health, for their support of the Congress as well as Failte Ireland and Dublin City Council.

For further information please contact
Homeshare International is a charity number 1170332 registered in England and Wales