Homeshare International (HI) is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales, number 1170332. Read our Constitution here.
HI is governed by an international Board of Trustees that meets online every three months, with an in-person strategy meeting every two years on the eve of the biennial World Homeshare Congress. All new Trustees are asked to commit to a Code of Conduct when they join the board.
* We are currently seeking to recruit TWO new Trustees to join our board *
- Honorary Secretary
The Honorary Secretary is a trustee with excellent administration skills who can help us prepare for board meetings and produce and circulate minutes. You will also be our point of contact with the Charity Commission of England and Wales, so we are looking for a trustee who is based in the UK. You can find more details in the Hon Sec Role Description.
- Trustee
We are also looking for a second trustee to supplement the board. This Trustee Role Description explains what is involved in being a trustee of HI. A recent skills audit of current board members means we are especially keen to find someone with expertise in social media, communications and marketing.
To apply for either of these roles, please fill out this HI Trustee Application Form and return it to You are also welcome to email us to arrange an informal discussion about either of these roles, or if you feel you have other skills that may complement the work of the board.
Homeshare International operates on a very modest budget made up of subscription income from members of the Homeshare International Network, plus occasional grants, sponsorship and donations. You can find our latest financial report to the Charity Commission here.
How to donate
Homeshare International is a charity and we depend on donations to continue our work. Please use the “Donate” button below to make a secure donation.
UK taxpayers can increase the value of their gift by 25% under the Gift Aid scheme – click here to download a form to complete and return.