Homeshare International Network
Member Directory
The Homeshare International Network supports programmes across the world.
Join us!
There are various ways to find a specific service:
- With the HI Network setting you see a list of countries; select the country to find the Network members there.
- Tap View All Members to see them listed in alphabetical order by name.
- Use the Search Members box to look for keywords. (If you are using a drop-down box in search field, be sure to tap the Search box to activate it.)
Tap on the programme name (in gold) or its logo to see more information about it. You can tap on a language spoken to see other programmes that offer services in that language.
Original text is in English. Use the Select Language feature at the top of the right hand column to change the text into the language of your choice. Note that this may also change the programme name so please make allowances for that.
How to donate
Homeshare International is a charity and we depend on donations to continue our work. Please use the “Donate” button below to make a secure donation.
UK taxpayers can increase the value of their gift by 25% under the Gift Aid scheme – click here to download a form to complete and return.