Homeshare International is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales number 1170332 . It is governed by an international board of Trustees.
The board meets virtually at least four times each year, and a sub-committee – the Management Team – meets more frequently to advise and support in the day to day work of the charity. Every two years, the board meets face to face, on the eve of the biennial World Homeshare Congress. The Congress is hosted by different countries, guided by a sub-committee of the Board.
Subscription income from members of the Homeshare International Network, along with occasional grants, sponsorship and donations enable its work to continue to support the development of homeshare programmes around the world.
How to donate
Homeshare International is a charity and is dependent on donations to continue its work. Please use the “Donate” button below to make a secure donation.
UK taxpayers can increase the value of their gift by 25% under the Gift Aid scheme – click here to download a form to complete and return.
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