Subscribers are individuals who are interested in homeshare and want to learn more about it. They receive information through emails and are among the first to learn of new development and events. They have the opportunity to participate in our Congresses and other activities, and may be given an opportunity for input on specific subjects.
People who are interested in starting a new Homeshare programme should join as Subscribers or Associate Members in order to keep informed of new developments.
Membership fee: free.
An individual or non-homeshare organization may register as an Associate Member. They support the concept of homeshare as a service model and contribute to the awareness and education about the nature of Homeshare and its benefits.
This membership level brings together:
- individuals with an interest in homeshare, who are yet to establish a programme
- researchers and academics in associated fields
- any potential partner organisation working in a related field
They may
- join in research activities
- use the HI logo on their website and printed materials
- participate in some virtual gatherings
- join the HI Facebook and Linked-In groups
- be listed on the HI website
- access some restricted content on the website
- have input and advanced registration at the World Homeshare Congresses
Membership fee: £ 45 / year + donation if desired
HI Network Core Members are Homeshare programmes and networks which come together to engage with other Homeshare organisations around the world. Programmes of any size and stage of development (new or established, local/regional or national) that provide homeshare matching services may apply to join the Network. Homeshare networks are umbrella organisations that represent / support local homeshare providers, assist new programmes to develop, and advocate for homeshare.
They agree to the terms of the HIN Charter, enjoy numerous benefits and have the opportunity to participate in several activities to extend the cause of homesharing throughout the world:
- featured display of their programme information on the HI website
- access to the Members Only content on the HI website
- Members Only resource library
- good practice guides
- opportunity to participate in research
- marketing supports such as Homeshare SHOUT! tool kit
- right to display HI member logo on their websites and other promotional material
- opportunity to contribute news items, organisational updates and case studies for publication on the HI website
- advance registration at World Homeshare Congresses
- access to all “HI in Conversation” sessions
Membership fee: £ 68 / year
Homeshare International Membership Benefits | Subscriber | Associate Member |
HIN Core Member |
Annual Fee | free | £ 45 | £ 68 |
News updates / emails | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Annual Report | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Participate in HI polls | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
Listing on HI website | ✔ | ✔ | |
Featured on HI website | ✔ | ||
Engage with other Homeshare organisations around the world | ✔ | ✔ | |
“HI in Conversation” sessions | Some | Some | all |
Use of HI Member logo | ✔ | ✔ | |
Contribute news, organisational updates and case studies | ✔ | ✔ | |
Members Only content on website | ✔ | ||
Newsletter | ✔ | ||
Promotional tools | ✔ | ||
Join in research activities | Some | ✔ | |
Advance Registration for World Homeshare Congress | ✔ | ||
Community of Practice | ✔ |
Questions? Simply contact us.
Become a member!
How to donate
Homeshare International is a charity and is dependent on donations to continue its work. Please use the “Donate” button below to make a secure donation.
UK taxpayers can increase the value of their gift by 25% under the Gift Aid scheme – click here to download a form to complete and return.
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